Weight Loss Medication

We believe surgery is the best treatment for severe obesity. There are a large number of scientific evidence and research supporting that.

Current insurance policies significantly restrict access to surgery by requiring a minimum BMI of 40 or 35 with co morbidities and a long process of requirements for approval. Some policies even exclude weight loss procedures irrespective of BMI. In this situation, medically supervised medication associated with diet and life style changes can produce significant weight loss. Although not as effective as surgery, weight loss medication can help control medical diseases and break the vicious cycle of continuous weight gain.

Some indications for drug therapy are:

There are many medications on the market to treat obesity. The most common and effective are GLPI-A like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Zepbound. They are widely used and have a good safety profile. There are important considerations to know before you begin any obesity medication.

These medications are generally safe, but they do have side effects. Some side effects can be serious albeit rare. GLPI-A function by delaying stomach emptying to control your appetite and as a result nausea, vomiting, reflux, and diarrhea are common but tolerable side effects. Hypoglycemia is also a possibility especially in diabetics.

Serous complications include pancreatitis, medullary thyroid cancer, kidney failure, and worsening of diabetic retinopathy.

For these reasons, it is very important to have close follow up to prevent serious medical problems. These medications must be given with gradual does increments to test tolerance and maximize weight loss so long term treatment plans are to be expected. Once the maximum result is achieved and medication is discontinued, there may be weight regain.

We can help you with a clinical evaluation, prescription, and follow up treatment with these medications understanding that medication should be accompanied by life style changes for permanent weight loss success.